Главная » 2015 » Сентябрь » 5 » Shungite gifts
The main activity of our company is the production of souvenirs from <a href=http://shungit-gifts.com/>shungite</a> mineral. The use of the advanced equipment and almost waste-less production technology, as well as the availability of our own raw materials base, makes it possible for us to offer very competitive prices. Besides, the great production volume is able to ensure demand, even for major wholesale buyers. All our products are made only of <a href=http://shungit-gifts.com/>shungite</a> of Zazhoginsky deposit. The production workshops of our company are located in the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk , a city whose history is closely related to <a href=http://shungit-gifts.com/>shungite</a>. Worldwide Shipping (Canada, USA, United Kingdom and other countries).
Категория: Музыка |
Просмотров: 231 |
Добавил: Prioldbrilk
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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